
Time to fess up

As you can probably tell from my previous posts, I like to eat. The love of eating coupled with laziness and a slow metabolism caused me to reach an all time high weight. A few months ago, when I started this blog one of my goals was to lose 30 pounds. In fact I lost 11 pounds in the first month. Sadly, I've gained 9 back and I am almost back at square one.

Not to be discouraged, for the next 30 days I've decided to use this medium to help me be accountable to my weight loss journey. Starting tomorrow I will post daily my food intake diary as well as exercise diary. I need to do better and will do better. I refuse to destroy myself with food.


Unknown said...

good luck!! I can attest that keeping a record of food and exercise helps tremendously! I lost about 15lbs in 6weeks over the summer doing this. I'm more busy now and not able to record everything as I did for those 2 months, but because of the consistency, I still today do a mental count and monitor my intake which has been effective for my overall lifestyle!

Mrs. G said...

Good luck! I can agree that DH and I both have gained weight since I became a food blogger. I need to start back tracking my calories and stop being so lazy.