

One day at a time

Imagine if you will a meeting room. It is filled with people with a mutual purpose. The participants are chatting amongst themselves. The leader moves to the front of the room, a hush falls upon it as he calls the meeting to order. He goes about the agenda’s order of business. It is now time for him to invite new visitors to stand and introduce themselves. With embarrassment, I stand to address the crowd of strangers. With a meek voice I announce…..my name is Nika and I am a procrastinator. Wow! It feels as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, I’ve confessed to a group of complete strangers something I secretly dealt with for years. Now of course this scenario is completely fictitious. There is a procrastinator anonymous community online that I’ve been meaning to check out but haven’t done so yet, hence my problem.

I don’t know about you but I’ve had bouts of procrastination over the years. Don’t get me wrong when there is something of importance that I have to do or are interested in doing I will go ahead and get it done. Other things…not so much.

During college when tasked with an assignment such as a paper, I would normally wait until the last minute because I had convinced myself I was waiting on my muse of inspiration. This method worked for me for quite a while and since I always got good grades it didn’t bother me too much.

It wasn’t until recently that I realized that it wasn’t really the muse of inspiration that I was waiting on but rather I was just giving in to procrastination. Ok, let’s take Toastmasters for example. I have had a couple of scheduling snafus on my way to reach my compentent communicator goal but most of the delay was my giving into procrastination. I would wait to the last minute and not feel comfortable with the level of attention I gave the speech and cancel.

To help me with my journey away from procrastination I have decided to embark on the day zero project. The purpose of the project is to challenge and inspire you to set and complete realistic goals in life.

It's simple over the span of 1001 days I will complete 101 predefined tasks. My journey started Feb 21st and will complete Nov 19, 2011.

For more information you can go to the day zero project website and join me on my journey from procrastination one day at a time.

Be sure to check back often as I will update the blog with my accomplishments from my list.

Thanks for stopping by,



Unknown said...

I just wanted to wish you well on your 1001 day journey. I like the concept. Is it something that others can do as well?

peace, Villager

Nika said...

I apologize for the late response. You are more than welcome to create your own list. I actually learned about it thru another blog. Is called the day zero project. Enjoy!
