
It’s been two months?

It looks like the procrastination bug has caught up with me again. Despite not updating the blog, I have actually made some progress over the past two months.

During Lent, I decided to give up refined sugar products. It was a little hard for me since I had convinced myself I needed something sweet each day. My baking didn't help that either. Nevertheless, it was not as hard as I thought it would be. I learned that I can drink diet coke and eat sugar free products or go without it all together. Since completing the goal, I am trying to continue keep my refined sugar intake extremely low. Hopefully, my glucose level on my next physical will reflect a decrease. There is a history of diabetes in my family and I don't want to go down that road as well.

As a result of my sugar intake reduction, I've seen some additional pounds drop off. So far I am at 11 out of 30. I hope to lose one pound a week. To aid in my weight loss, I began going to the gym again. This is my second week of working out. It really helps that two of my co-workers have committed to going with me.

Plans are in the work to attend Essence Festival this July with four of my girlfriends from college. This should be a great time since we all haven't been together in ages.

Lastly, though not on my official list my husband took me out for some weapons training. Yep I learned how to fire a gun. Can't say that I look forward to doing this again but I'll know what to do in case I ever need to.

Only a couple of the shots actually belong to me. Husband is a better marksman than me. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yayyy for progress! (I'm a procrastinator too) I was wondering how you were doing on your 101 Things. Keep it up!